Plantain is found almost every where; yards, cracks in sidewalks and roads, making it the most abundant and widely distributed medicinal crops in the world.
It can be eaten raw when tender or boiled when tough (in soups or sews). It is very nutritious, high in vitamins C, A, K, and magnesium. Some do not like the taste while others do. Some of our children will eat it all day while we the parents really don't like it at all. Maybe they need those vitamins more than us, not sure.
Its medicinal qualities include facilitating healing and preventing infection in wounds, stings and sores. Properties include;
Cell and tissue regeneration
Pain reducer
Grab some leaves and rub them together (or chew them up, if you are using the poultice yourself). The mucilage from the bruised leaves will immediately soothe pain while the anti-inflammatory effect of the herb reduces swelling and redness. The poultice will also draw toxins from the sting, so it works best when applied immediately.
Additionally, making tea from it can be used to treat sore throats, dry cough, & diarrhea for it soothes internal membranes.
Water – 2 cups, boiled
pour the water over the leaves and cover with a lid
when cooled, strain out the leaves - can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks
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