#Zerowaste; getting real & tips from experience
It is trending, ditching the plastic. Just as smoking tobacco has become "dis-tasteful" to some, plastic has become to others. ...But unlike tobacco's counter part, it is only natural to desire to see cleaner beaches, roads and forget about how much trash is put out each day. The Native Americans had many practices set in place with their respect and wisdom for the land and its resources. And as history goes, the industrial age brought great expansion and has inevitably landed us to today where technology allows for us to see just what all our advancements have actually done. It is kind of a catch 22 in a way. And now we are found in a cusp, so to speak. Are we going to continue the way we have been going for the last century? Many find this revolutionary. Opportunities arise for catching the wave. But for some it brings a tidal of anxiety and uncertainty. As a family that continues to grow, we get all of the above. We do. And hav...